lørdag 13. oktober 2012

I feel....

like I have let you all down, it has been such  long time since my last post. But I certainly havent forgotten you, and hope you still pop by from time to time. It has been very busy the last weeks, preparing for a quiltmeeting (Vestlandstreffet på Voss) for western Norway. I will show you some photos from this meeting where we brought our shop (more or less....). But first of all I want to show you the finished blue quilt.

The fabrics are gorgeous

I know, at this time the binding was not finished

The quilting is done by Anne at Quiltestallen in Bergen - wonderful job!

I used woolbatting which made the quilt soft and fluffy

Cant wait to get it home :o)
Last weekend was Vestlandstreffet at Voss. Classes, shops and an exhibition. I didnt get much around, so you will have to settle with photos from our shop :o) Enjoy - hope you like it :o)

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!

2 kommentarer:

Litamora's Quilt & Design sa...

Teppet ditt ble helt nydelig! Deilige farger! Mange fristende bilder der også... Skulle gjerne vært der og hamstret noe godis... :o)
Ha en fortsatt flott helg!

Astrid sa...

For et nydelig teppe, og så nydelig quilta! Får lyst til å krype under det! :) Så mye lekkert i butikken! Nesten glad det ikke finnes quilte butikker her, for da hadde lommeboka vært tom for lenge siden - haha! :)