tirsdag 27. desember 2011

I have something to show you :o)

No, I havent forgotten about you, and I certainly hope you havent forgotten me... Its just that December has been really really busy, so I havent been able to make much - or blog about the things I didnt make :o)  I have some days off after tomorrow and will have a loong new year's weekend :o) And then I plan to catch up on the two BOM's that I joined and doing some quilting.

But today I was in the shop, enjoying myself. And I took some pictures that I want to show you, proud as I am :o) I used my phone, so I see its not the best quality....

Welcome to my world!

A little table with this and that

Some of the fabrics

The sewing machines

And a few of the beautiful quilts on the wall

So this is where I spend my days, I bet you can understand Im happy :o) We also have a web-shop, www.quiltekroken.no. Once I have learned how to manage it in full, it will be constantly updated and filled with all the new stuff we get! There is already a lot of goodies there, so have a look :o)

3 kommentarer:

Mayen sa...

Hei Merete. Endelig har æ tid til å lese blogger og surfe rundt;-) Først no ser æ at du har begynt å jobbe i stoffbutikk!Kor artig;-) Det må være som å vandre rundt i en sukkertøybutikk hver dag. Kjekt å se at du trives og enda e på nett. Klem fra Mayen

Astrid sa...

For en flott butikk, og heldige du som kan tilbringe dagene der! Så artig! Ikke rart du ikke har hatt tid til hverken det ene eller andre! :) Kos deg! Og fortsatt GOD JUL!

Anonym sa...

Ønsker deg en kjempefin nyttårshelg!