torsdag 28. april 2011

Makings from Easter

Even though my elbow doesn't allow me to quilt the big tops I've lying around giving me a hard time because I really want to finish them, I had to make something during Easter. So I found a pattern for a tablerunner I have wanted to make for a long time. Originally it was made as a Christmas runner, but I had some greens that I wanted to use.

( As you can see I had to take a break before I got to the binding...)

Its easy to make, but one of the reasons I wanted to do it was because of the quilting. Its just straight lines, but I like the effect the pattern gives.

You can see it even better on the back.

I also made the two next blocks in the Modern Solids QAL. Only four more blocks to go, so this will be a quick one.....

(The colours are not good on this last one, they are darker like the first)

Dont forget my giveaway, still some days left to join if you want :o) Here's the link.

A wonderful evening to you all!

søndag 17. april 2011

I've got myself a designwall :o) And its time for a giveaway

I actually did it - I made myself a big designwall in my new room!! I bought 2 x 2m felt ( 90 cm wide), put them beside eachother and ended up with a designwall thats approx 2 x 2 m. And its great :o)

And look whats on it - its my postage stamp quilt! I made all the blocks and they are ready to be assembled. Think I may do it today. Its one row less than its supposed to be. I think its big enough when its 6 x 7, instead of 6 x 8. And I also get leftover-blocks so I can make a nice tablecloth for the table on the terrace. Some more pictures for you....

Its so nice and fresh :o)

Lots of wonderful fabrics, I really like this line (Fresh Flowers)

** G I V E A W A Y  **

I just realised a couple of days ago that I passed 20000 hits and have almost 100 followers. Its time for a celebration, don't you think? So, what shall I be giving away - hmmmm haven't given that a lot of thought. What would you like to win - I wonder..... Not a toiletbag again, for sure - and I also did the shoppingbag. We have all made mugrugs this year, during dark winter evenings - so I guess you're not interested in that :o) Maybe a knittingbag with some goodies inside, which can also be used as a shoebag, a toiletbag, a crochetbag, a bag for your sticheries - the use is only limited by your imagination :o) Yes, maybe that would be an idea - what do you say, would you like one? 

I have to think, but anyways - the rules are as simple as this:

1. One entry for a comment on this post

2. One entry for being a follower (old or new), leave a separate comment

3. One entry for blogging about my giveaway, leave a third comment

You are welcome to share your comments until Sunday May 1st in the afternooon (Norwegian time).

So that's it! Hope you are ready to join me in my celebaration - the more the merrier :o) I love these giveaways, its so exciting!! 

The giveaway is now closed! I will draw the winner in a couple of hours.

Now Im off to assemble my postage stamp, so long my friends :o)

tirsdag 12. april 2011

I have moved into my sewing room :o)

During the last weekend I managed to move all of my stuff from our bedroom two floors down to my precious new sewing room. It was a lot more than I imagined, no wonder our bedroom was a mess.... :o)

I sorted all my fabrics in colours and size (yardage/ approx FQ's / scraps). I know what I have doesn't seem much compared to some of you, but I think I have lots and lots of wonderful fabrics and I love just looking at it. I also kept some FQ's, charms, layer cakes and jellyrolls, because I wanted to keep the fabric lines together.

This is my cutting and sewing table. The tables are from IKEA and I like them a lot because I can adjust the height. And of course - my new iron, love it, its very good! I need to put something on the wall to make it a bit more lively. I have received the quilt from mamacjt yesterday, and that will definitely hang there! Its lovely :o) And maybe a message board with some pictures and small quilts? On the opposite wall Im planning to buy a flannelsheet or two to use as a designwall. Anyone have any tips and tricks?

The first blocks of Modern Solid QA had the honor of being the first to be sewn in my new room :o) Ive never tried making a quilt from just solids - exciting and I like so far!

You may have noticed that Im writing just in english, I have decided to do this in the future. I think it will be easier to read, to write and the posts will not be a mile long...... So I hope thats ok for everyone and you can still comment in norwegian.... :o)

Hope you all will have a lovely evening!

torsdag 7. april 2011

Ny quilt along og en strikkeveske/ New Quilt Along and a knittingbag

Jeg hadde egentlig bestemt meg for at jeg skulle ikke være med på flere QA akkurat nå. Men så kom jeg over denne da... Og den så litt spennende ut, bare ensfargete stoff. Det er Charlie og Ryan ( ja - to menn, som jo også er litt uvanlig men artig :o)) som arrangerer. Se link til høyre for mer info.

I had decided not to participate in more QA at the moment. But that was before I saw this... I looks exciting, its only solids and I'd like to try that. Its Charlie and Ryan (yes - two men, which is also a bit unusual but fun :o)) who is hosting this. For more info use the link on the right.

Visste noenlunde hvilke farger jeg ville ha, men hadde problemer med å velge mellom 2 farger. Bestemte meg for den siste kombinasjonen. Så imorgen skal jeg sy den første blokken.

I knew which kind of colours I wanted, but I had difficulties choosing between two of the colours. At last I decided to go for the last combination. So tomorrow I will make the first block.

Jeg har lenge hatt lyst å prøve å sy en strikkeveske. Etter at Quiltefia la ut mønster på Tåsen Quiltelags blogg, har jeg endelig gjort det.
For a long time I have wanted to try to make a knittingbag. After Quiltefia posted a pattern, I finally did.

Jeg gjorde det litt annerledes med glidelåsen slik at den ble skjult inni vesken.
I changed a bit, so that the zipper got hidden inside the bag.

Og tenk, idag blir syrommet mitt ferdig!!! Kun å henge opp en lampe, så er det bare å flytte inn i et helt tomt rom som skal fylles med stoff og tråder og sybord og kuttebord og nytt strykejern og bøker og blader - ååååå hvilken glede :o))

Today my new sewing room will be finished, only one lamp to be hung up :o) One empty room to be filled with fabrics and threads and sewing table and cuttingtable and my new iron and magasines and books - ooohhhh what a joy :o))

En ting som skal få æresplassen over sybordet mitt er en liten quilt (20" x 16") som jeg har kjøpt av mamacjt ( hun har laget den til meg), den er på vei til meg!! Er den ikke supersøt? Har dere ikke vært på bloggen hennes, så anbefaler jeg sterkt et besøk - hun er utrolig kreativ og flink. Jeg elsker alt hun lager!!
This is going to have the place of honor at the wall over my sewing table. Mamacjt made it for me ( I bought it) and now its on its way to me!! Isnt it cute? If you havent visited her blog, I strongly recommend it - she is incredible creative and makes the most wonderful things. I love her work!!

Så - nå middagslaging og etterpå flytte flytte flytte :o)) Ha en flott kveld!!

So - now on to making dinner and then move move move :o)) Have a wonderful day!!

søndag 3. april 2011

Praha er en flott by!/ Prague is a wonderful city!

Så er vi hjemme igjen, eller det har vi egentlig vært noen dager :o) Jeg har vært endel ganger i Praha, men det har vært jobbreiser, og selvom jeg har sett endel av byen så blir det ikke på samme måte som når jeg nå var BARE turist. Det er en flott by! Skal vise dere noen bilder senere, men først....

At home at last, or actually we have been home a couple of days already :o) I have been in Prague some times and I have seen a lot of the famous places, but that have been businesstrips. Being there as a tourist was another experience. Its a wonderful town, and I will show you some pictures, but first....

Jeg har vært så heldig å få en award fra 'Med skaperglede'/ 'Med skaperglede' has given me an award:

Denne gis til bloggere med under 100 følgere for inspirasjon og motivasjon. Det er kjekt å vite at det er mange som følger med og setter pris på det vi skaper og deler.

This is given to bloggers with less than 100 followers for inspiration and motivation. It makes me happy to know that you are following me and appreciate what I create and share with you.

Reglene er (Hope you dont mind, but I say this only in Norwegian):

1. Linke til sender
2. Sende den videre til 5 bloggere m under 100 følgere
3. Svare på 5 spørsmål

Det er sannelig ikke lett å velge ut 5 jeg vil gi den til, men jeg sender den til disse flinke og kreative damene:

Håper dere setter pris på den, og tar utfordringen videre. Jeg kan med hånden på hjertet si at dere inspirerer og gleder meg :o) Jeg skulle gjerne gitt den til flere......

Og så til de fem spørsmålene/ And so for the 5 questions

1. Hvorfor startet du å blogge? /Why did you start blogging
Jeg hadde sett litt av denne fantastiske verdenen, og hadde lyst å prøve selv. / Because I had seen a bit of this amazing world and wanted to try it for myself.

2. Hvilke blogger følger du? / What kind of blogs do you follow?
For det meste quilte- og strikkeblogger, men også litt interiør./ Mostly quilting- and knittingblogs, but also som interiordecorators.

3. Favorittfarge? / Favorite colour?
Er veldig glad i rødt/orange/rosa, men liker stort sett det meste. Glad i klare farger./ Love reds/oranges/pinks, but likes most colours. Very fond of bright colours.

4. Favorittfilm? / Favorite film?
Har akkurat sett en serie som heter Stormenes tid av Ken Follett, som handler om middelalderen i England, katedralbygging, maktkamp - veldig bra! / Ive just seen a dvd-series called Pillars of the earth by Ken Follet. They are about the middleage in England, building of a cathedral, and who is going to reign the country - very interesting!

5. Hvilke land vil du besøke og hvorfor? / Which country would you like to visit and why?
Blant mange land, vil jeg til Italia igjen, elsker maten, vinen, folket, språket.... :o) / Amongst many countries, I would like to visit Italy again, love the food, the wine, the people, the language... :o)

Ojojoj, jeg vet, dette ble mye å lese.... Har dessverre ikke noe nytt å vise dere, hverken på syfronten eller strikking - albuen min er fremdeles vond. Så da avslutter jeg heller med noen fine bilder fra Praha og ønsker dere alle en deilig søndagskveld og en flott uke!!

I know, I know - a lot to read.... Unfortunately I have nothing new to show you - my elbow still hurts. In stead I finish this post with some beautiful pictures from Prague, wishing you all a lovely Sunday and a great week!!