It seems that its not only me that have trouble finding inspiration for blogging in the summertime. So much going on, and its so lovely to spend time outside when the weather is not too bad. We have actually had some very nice days, even if the temperature has not been too 'summerlike'. But - I have done some sewing in between... Our boat has got new curtains.
Hadde som mål at jeg skulle sy ferdig Star Crazy juni-blokkene før vi reiser på ferie. Og det har jeg sannelig klart. Var nok greit det for fra juli blir det litt flere blokker pr måned.
One of my goals this month was to finish Star Crazy's June-blocks before we went on holidays. And guess what, I made it :o) I think that was smart because from July and on its more blocks each month.
En av mine favoritter / One of my favourites
Nå er diverse strikketøy for små og store, noen sticherier og andre broderier pakket og klar for ferie. Håper på godt vær og god vind :o)
I have packed some knittings for me and my daugthers, some sticheries and we are ready for vacation. Hoping for nice weather and good winds :o)